One thing about winter - you can always look forward to Spring.
Bill Gamble retired in 2005, after 20 years with the States’ Governor’s Center for Local Government Services, as Local Government Policy Specialist, and previous to that, served as a Municipal Administrative Consultant, for the then Department of Community Affairs. Prior to his retirement he supervised the Police Peer Management Program that assigned to and approved police management studies and regional police studies conducted by professional police chiefs, for the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services. He has served as a Borough Mayor and Councilman, School Board Member, and previously served as a Special Agent for the Auditor General’s Office.
Bill’smany years of local government experience, over 30 years, has focused generally on police administrative and management issues that include conducting police management studies and regional police feasibility studies. Bill has provided technical assistance to local municipalities on hiring and firing issues and to civil service commissions, in writing and implementing civil service rules and regulations. He also has specialized in providing technical assistance to elected officials on intergovernmental cooperation. In addition, he has developed and conducted numerous training courses for local government officials and previously served as the Recovery Plan Coordinator for the City of Aliquippa and the Borough of Ambridge, two of the many distressed municipalities in the Commonwealth.
Since his retirement in 2005, as a consultant, he has continued to provide technical assistance to local government and police departments, as a private police/fire testing personnel management consultant. He administers over 50 police/fire (Entry and Promotion) tests each year; has written police/fire civil service rules for over 50 local governments; conducts police chief searches; conducts regional police and management studies, provides state-wide civil service and police management training and various other consulting services to assist local governments in police personnel and management issues.
Bill prides himself in providing a “personalized" police/fire personnel management service at a reasonable cost, to local governments in Pennsylvania.