Raw Efficiency JV, LLC was created to provide Buy American Act compliant lighting and other energy saving products direct to Federal Agencies as well as the contractors that work with Federal Agencies.
Raw Efficiency is a joint venture between Raw Safety (SDVOSB) and Resource Efficiency Solutions. Based in Tampa, FL, Raw Efficiency is managed by John Rawlings (owner of Raw Safety and Army Retired Veteran ) www.rawsafety.biz and Brian Frost (owner Resource Efficiency Solutions Inc. and with 31 years’ experience in the energy conservation sector). Raw Efficiency JV, LLC is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) that employs veterans to service the military and government communities.
Business Development is managed by Craig DeMask a service connected disabled veteran as well, serving many years in the United States Navy. He also has 13 years’ experience in the field developing energy efficient projects with Resource Efficiency Solutions.