Frequently Asked Questions
- Bulk mailing discounts
- Referrals to local businesses
- Community development
- Networking opportunities through socials & banquets, etc.
- Website hyperlink
- Social media spotlights
- Opportunity to put your flyer in our monthly newsletter
- Yearly annual banquet that honors our most involved and committed members
- Advertise with the Chamber of Commerce in publications
- Reach thousands of business people through the Chamber website or monthly newsletter
- Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting business photo-ops
- Use of Hogan Hall for small meetings
- Opportunity to advertise on Chamber frontage signage
- Opportunity to place business info in “Welcome” packets from the City & Chamber
The chamber loves to work with our members who want to be more involved in our activities. Here are the existing committees you are welcome to join:
- Membership
- Christmas
- Beautification
- Ambassador
All of the programs below are available for your company to sponsor. Gain exposure through Chamber events, promotional literature and websites.
- Annual Banquet
- Chamber Socials
- Annual Christmas Festival
- Holiday Turkey Giveaway
The membership price is based on the number of employees you have and is paid annually.
Business number of employees:
1-5: $100
6-10: $150
11-20: $250
21-30: $350
31-40: $450
41-50: $550
51-100: $700
101-500: $950
500+: $1000
The membership for an individual is $50 paid annually.
Yes. The membership for anyone retired and 65 and over is only $25 a year.
The membership for all non-profit organizations is $65 a year.
We accept credit cards, check, or cash.
Please make checks payable to Rockdale Chamber of Commerce. You can mail it to the above address or bring it into the office.
Credit Card:
If paying by credit card, please call the chamber office at 512-446-2030. We can process your payment over the phone.
The chamber office is located at 1203 W. Cameron Ave, Rockdale TX 76567. We are open Mon - Fri 9am - 5:00 pm.
Please complete our online application.