BIRD offers nutrient therapy to all clients who wish to understand how substance abuse alters the brain chemistry. By working with nutrient therapists and chemists as well as, attending conferences and workshops, web casts, mentor-ships, case presentations, and case studies BIRD has learned a great deal and has developed a huge amount of resources that can assist in implementing a more holistic approach in reducing drag and alcohol cravings. We use only the finest products from the companies with a long history of research and results. These products are not FDA approved nor are any vitamins, supplements, or herbs with the exception of Lovaza which is available by prescription only.
Nutrient Therapy is used to aid in:
*We check for toxic levels of metals in the brain (Methylation Treatment) if ingested from inhalants from smoking weed with screens. Additional to this, weed today is 100% stronger than the weed used during the 60's and 70's, now with brands (Kush,Haze,etc.). Some gangs or Cartels control the weed that one may be smoking, over the years BIRD has seen weed laced with PCP(angel dust), crystal meth, ketamine, coke crystals, other forms of hallucinogenics, ect. The Brain must recover when this does happen. Traditional Drug and Alcohol treatment usually does not look at this.
All nutrient therapy treatment will be done in conjunction with your existing doctor and an extensive evaluation process. Parents of teens and young adults will need to be involved.
To understand more about nutrient therapy visit the resources page for books we recommend.
We have also compiled a list of reading material that you will find interesting and informative. We are always looking for additional resources that can provide insight to share.