
  • Help With Debt
  • Saving
  • Buying A Home
  • Consumer Help and Advocacy
  • Credit Bureaus
  • Identity Theft
  • Loans
  • Budgeting
  • College Help
  • Insurance

  • Help for Seniors
  • Financial Planning
  • Retirement Calculators
  • Women & Finance
  • Divorce
  • Buying a Car
  • Government Help
  • Investing

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Help With Debt Issues

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Offering support for those struggling with debt, this site provides a place where people can share their experiences, strength and hope in the battle against ever-building debt.  

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The National Foundation for Credit Counseling member organizations, nonprofit credit counseling organization, assist people in debt by providing among other services budget counseling and debt management plans.


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With financial tools to help consumers of all ages plan their financial security, this site promotes the idea that saving today is essential to securing your financial future.  

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Information to help people of all ages improve their spending habits, increase their savings and use credit more wisely.

Buying a Home

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This government agency helps increase homeownership, supports community development and increases access to affordable housing free from discrimination.

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Information to help families achieve the dream of homeownership.

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Information about homeownership and buying a home.

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Free rate information on mortgages, credit cards, new and used automobile loans, money market accounts and online banking fees to name a few. They help consumers make informed financial decisions by publishing original and objective personal finance stories, financial applications and information to a network of distribution partners.

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The National Low Income Housing Coalition is an advocacy group that focuses on creating socially-just political policy to help people with the lowest incomes afford decent housing.


Consumer Help and Advocacy

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The National Consumer Law Center is a nonprofit advocacy organization that seeks to build economic security and family wealth for low-income and other economically disadvantaged Americans.

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An unbiased site that provides independent reviews and information about numerous consumer products.

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The Consumer Federation of America is a consumer
advocacy organization that addresses issues such as health, insurance, and financial services.External link opens in new tab or window 

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The Center for Responsible Lending is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that strives to protect homeownership and family wealth by fighting predatory lending practices.

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The Better Business Bureau provides information, services and programs to assist consumers and businesses.

Credit Bureaus

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General credit information on understanding credit, credit scores and credit reports.

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Information on understanding credit, credit scores, credit reports and preventing identity fraud.  

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More information on understanding credit, credit scores, credit reports and preventing identity fraud.

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The only official site to get your free credit reports is You can request a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months.


Identity Theft

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The Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft site is a one-stop national resource to learn about the crime of identity theft. It provides detailed information to help you deter, detect, and defend against identity theft.    

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The National Consumers League fraud center provides information on identity theft.

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The Identity Theft Resource Center is a non-profit that provides information and assistance to victims of identity theft. 


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Schools and loan holders answer consumer-related questions about loan consolidation.

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Free rate information on everything from mortgages to money market accounts, Bankrate provides transparent banking information to help you make better financial decisions.

College Help

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Federal Student Aid gives students access to the largest source of college financial assistance through grants, work study programs and loans.

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Plan for college and get access to information about the products and services you’ll need throughout the financial aid process.

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Understand the challenges of paying for higher education and learn from this independent and objective site. It includes 529 plans to help you save and pay for college.


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A wealth of information about all types of insurance (home, car, life, etc.).

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The Insurance Information Institute. It’s another good site with basic insurance information.

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The American Council of Life Insurers helps you obtain financial security for life.

Help for Seniors

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AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people 50 and over that provides information and resources on financial planning and retirement, social security, credit and debt, mortgages and other sources for maintaining a healthy financial life.

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A nationwide service connecting older Americans and their caregivers with information on senior services. They help you identify trustworthy local support resources and find your way through the maze of services for seniors.

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A non-profit association of professional practitioners whose purpose is the development, advancement and promotion of humane and dignified social and psychological health care for the elderly and their families through counseling, treatment and the delivery of concrete services by qualified, certified providers.

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Find out how much you can expect to get in Social Security benefits.

Financial Planning

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The Financial Planning Association can connect you to professionals providing professional financial planning services.

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The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors is an organization that represents fee-only financial planners.

Retirement Calculators

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The Ballpark Estimate Retirement Planning Worksheet

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Retirement calculators

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T. Rowe Price's retirement calculator

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Vanguard's retirement calculator

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Click on "Calculate your benefits" to see your benefits in present-day or future dollars.

Women & Finance

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The Women's Institute of Financial Education empowers women to succeed and prosper through financial education.

Buying a Car

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An unbiased site that provides independent reviews and information about numerous consumer products.

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Provides a great consumer information source for gas mileage, safety and fuel economy for cars and trucks.

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Helps consumers get a fair deal by Providing True Market Value pricing, unbiased car reviews, ratings and expert advice.

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Kelley Blue Book provides vehicle pricing and other car buying information.

Government Help

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created under the  Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the most  sweeping overhaul of financial regulations in decades. It was charged  with promoting financial education and enforcing federal consumer  financial-protection laws. The agency also has rule-making powers so  that it can head off unfair, deceptive and abusive financial practices  and products.

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The Federal Trade Commission

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The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency regulates and supervises national banks, issues rules and legal interpretations and supervises domestic and international bank activities and corporate analyses.

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The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Insures deposits in banks and thrift institutions for up to $100,000.

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The Internal Revenue Service helps American taxpayers understand and meet their tax responsibilities through the application of tax laws.

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Provides protection to investors while maintaining the integrity of the securities markets.



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Independent and objective information to help consumers make informed investment decisions.

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The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is the largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. All told, they oversee nearly 4,900 brokerage firms, about 173,000 branch offices and approximately 651,000 registered securities representatives.

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The North American Securities Administrators Association is the oldest international organization devoted to investor protection. NASAA is a voluntary association whose membership consists of 67 state, provincial, and territorial securities administrators in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada and Mexico.

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A leading provider of independent investment research, Morningstar is a trusted source for insightful information on stocks, mutual funds, variable annuities, closed-end funds, exchange-traded funds, separate accounts, hedge funds and 529 college savings plans.

             Paperback coming in May.

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