
Donation Cards

Malibu Media offers a variety of scratch-off donation cards that are perfect for both large and small charitable organizations, church groups, cheerleaders, sports groups, bands, choirs, etc.

Customizable Scratch-Off Cards

We offer donation cards for just about any type of fundraising group imaginable. External link opens in new tab or windowRead More.
Selling brochure is available in a school or charitable organization format. External link opens in new tab or windowRead More.

  • Most cards cost just $15.00 each.  (Our most popular card “rub off” spots range from 5 cents to $3.00 and raise a whopping $105.00 and more per card.)
  • Cards can be customized with your charity, group or school’s picture for an additional $2.00 per card.
  • Every card comes personalized with your organization’s name and reason for raising money.
  • We provide you with 15% free cards on every order!  This means that you have potentially zero cost after completing this fundraiser.
  • The minimum order is just 25 cards!External link opens in new tab or window 


Malibu Media  

345 Route 17 South
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 

FAX: 201-661-8325
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