Frontier Freight is the brokerage company located within Dahl Trucking, LLC. This brokerage was opened in December 2000. It is currently under the leadership of Sandi Mack and Tony Bateson. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact Sandi or Tony at:
9240 Hwy. 1 South,
Langdon, ND 58249,
Phone: 1-800-624-8680
Fax: 701-256-3960
We offer both Hopper and Reefer Vans.
Dahl Trucking, LLC intends to provide quality service in the trucking business at a fair and equitable price.
Our staff of knowledgeable and experienced people will provide professional service to our clients in a
timely fashion.
You can meet our staff today by visiting our Staff page.