Serving the Community since 1978
Here at Bueno’s Professional Services in Pasadena, CA we have personnel that are “Enrolled Agents”.
How can an enrolled agent help you?
Answer: Enrolled agents advise, represent and prepare tax returns of individuals, partnerships, corporations and any other entity with tax requirements.
What is an Enrolled Agent?
Answer: Enrolled Agents (EA) are America’s tax experts. EAs are the only federally-licensed tax practitioners who specialize in taxation and also have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service.
Enrolled agent status is the highest credential the IRS awards. Individuals who obtain this elite status must adhere to ethical standards and enrolled agents, like attorneys and certified public accountants (CPAs), have unlimited practice rights. This means they are unrestricted as to which taxpayers they can represents, what types of tax matters they can handle and which IRS offices they can represent
clients before.
What is the difference between a regular Tax Preparer and an Enrolled Agent.?
Answer: The difference lies in the depth of experience and understanding of not just how to prepare a tax return, but rather the expertise and knowledge of the tax law that may be used not only to prepare a tax return, but also to represent the taxpayer.
Sirviendo la Comunidad desde 1978
Aqui en Bueno’s Professional Services tenemos personal capcitado para aconsjar, represntar y preparer reprtes tributaries (income tax) individuales, sociedad, corporacion y cualquier otra entidad require reporter su declaracion de impuestos.
Nosotros somos “Enrolled Agents”
Que significa ese titulo?
Un “enrolled agent” es una persona quien ha Ganado el privilegio de representar los contribuyentes antes es Internal Revenue Service pasado un examen estricto y complicado que abarca ambos las leyes de impuestos individuals y de negocios.
Un “enrolled agent” tiene la mas alta credencail que puede premiar el Internal Revenue Service. Las personas que obeienen este status de alta categoria y privilegio deben adherirse a una etica alta y tienen egual que los abogados y contadores publicos certificados un sin limites derechos de practicas. Lo cual quiere decir que no estan restrigidos a quien van a representar, ni tampco que tipo de asunto y en que oficina de Internal Revenue Service haga la representacion.
Cual es la diferencia entre un “preparador normal” y un “enrolled agent”?
Repusesta: La expericenca y conocimiento de las leyes de impuestos que pueden ser usada no solamente par perparar sus reprortes tributaries pero para tambien representarlos.
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