Swimming Pool Service and Supplies – is Our Family Business
Our company is founded on honesty, reliability, integrity, communication and our principle of hard work. Meeting our customers’ needs is our top priority, whether it’s buying an ‘O’ ring for your pool pump, pool service, new equipment or Pool School.
Our family first got into the pool industry in 1976 in Brevard County, Florida. Swimming pool service and repair was our specialty in the beginning. A little while later we opened a retail pool and spa store. The older sons have always had their hands in the service end of the business and went on to get their RP license. We eventually sold that pool store; as part of the family had to go to California due to a family matter, in 1989. The older boys loved the pool business so much; they stayed in Brevard County and kept doing what they do best…pool service and repairs as they were already RP licensed. In 1994 the family was back together and all living in Brevard County again. The pool service was growing and everyone missed the retail end of the business. We decided to incorporate our Swim n Save Pool and Spa Supplies business with the Swim n Save Pool Service. Thus in 1996, Swim n Save, Inc. was born and Swim n Save Pools opened its retail store in 2002. We upgraded our licenses in 2002 and got a State Certified Pool/Spa Service Contractor license.
Pool Service in Merritt Island
We are truly a family business and it isn’t uncommon for our regular customers to know us all by name. When we say “from our family to yours,” we mean it. Being a locally owned, registered and licensed business makes us all the more qualified to serve our customers.
Hand Rails we Installed
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![Swimming Pool with Stair||||](https://0201.nccdn.net/4_2/000/000/038/2d3/Swimming_Pool_with_Stair.jpg)
Contact Us Today
Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about your pool or pool equipment.
Disclaimer: **We are NOT and have never been affiliated or associated with a company called Swim ‘n Save USA, LLC.