What To Do When You Discover An Unattended Death

Being the one to discover an unattended death can be very shocking and traumatic, to say the least. Typically one never expects to encounter such a situation, so knowing what to do in case you happen to have this experience will help you remain calm in the moment. Here are some things to do if you encounter an unattended death.

Call the police immediately

In the unfortunate event that you discover an unattended death, you should phone the police immediately. They will be able to advise you on what to do and will come to the scene to investigate. They will also help you get in touch with a coroner to arrange the transfer of the body and provide you will any necessary advice and information. The cause of death will need to be confirmed by the coroner’s office as well. The police will need to carry out everything according to procedure, so avoid tampering with the scene.

Get in touch with family members

If you know the identity of the deceased you could notify other relatives and friends. If you’re having trouble locating them, then social media can be a useful tool. It’s not a pleasant task having to be the bearer of bad news, but you’ll feel reassured having more of a support group around you. If possible, you might also have to get in touch with the deceased’s employer. With everyone close to them informed, you can then make any necessary funeral arrangements.

Hire a professional cleanup team

In this case of an unattended death, the cleanup should be left to the professionals, such as a hazardous materials company or cleaning service. Contamination can occur as a result of decomposition and this can be harmful. There may also be lingering foul odors, stains, and other issues that need to be addressed. Biohazard cleaning technicians have the necessary equipment and training to safely decontaminate the scene. You will then be able to have the property deemed safe to live in again.

Contact your insurance provider

If you’re in charge of any cleaning operations on your property, it’s worth getting in touch with your insurance provider to see if you’re covered for any costs. Homeowner’s insurance policies may cover the cost of a professional cleaning service. Speak to your cleaning company for more help and advice making a claim. They will have experience in this situation.

Consider counseling services

An encounter with an unattended death can be a traumatic and unsettling experience, that could stay with you for a long time. It’s recommended to seek professional help from counseling services to guide you through the healing process. Coming to terms with death is challenging and professional counselors will be able to offer their support.

If you would like to learn more about what to do when you discover an External link opens in new tab or windowunattended death, a biohazard cleaning company can help. They are experts in the decontamination of trauma scenes and offer sensitivity and discretion. They’ll also provide you with advice and information.