The Emotional Demand for a Forensic Technician

Forensic Technicians have a very emotionally taxing job. Seeing graphic crime scenes and working long hours, takes a toll. Learn more about the impacts of this role:

There is a stressful element to the job role

When you think about what a forensic technician must have to go through on a day to day basis, you may then be able to agree that the job role itself can be very stressful, physically and emotionally. A forensic technician will never be sure what they will be faced with every time they head out on the road to the next crime scene that needs analyzing. From simple household burglaries to murder scenes. What they can be presented with can be very stressful. Physically, it can take its toll on them but also External link opens in new tab or windowemotionally. Some of the scenes they may have to witness could be very distressing and worrying.

There is also the fact that the stress side of things can come from the workplace. They may feel pressure to gather and process evidence quickly and under limited time constraints. This could add extra pressure to the job role and the worry of missing vital evidence, as well as ensuring that the evidence itself is not contaminated with.

Their role can help victims involved in crime

The life of a forensic technician is never going to be one of the same. The role itself can be so varied, that even comparing a forensic technician to another in the same job role will flag up differences. This is because each forensic technician will face different crime scenes and experience different levels of workload based on factors such as the area they work, for example. However, one thing to note is that the role of a forensic technician can really help the victims involved in the crimes. This is because they can corroborate their witness statements, perhaps shed light on some of the scenes they may have experienced themselves and also give evidence which could, in the future, solve the case and give the victims some justice and closure on the matter. 

The toll it can take on their mental health

Last of all, it is worth noting that being a forensic technician could mean that you need to consider your mental health and take extra steps to take care of yourself. Not only do you witness things that people won’t have to experience on a day to day basis, but there is also the emotional demand in the workplace. A forensic technician can be expected to work more than 40 hours a week, put in overtime, or not leave crime scenes until the work is completed. This can take a toll on their mental health and also cause them to not get as much rest as they need.