Proper Disinfecting Protocols After Someone in Your

Household Tested Positive for COVID-19

As soon as you find out someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, you, of course, want to get tested too and start quarantining. But another item on your list should be to disinfect your entire house. What do you need to do so your home is thoroughly disinfected?

Using a Household Disinfectant

Ensuring that you use a household disinfectant that is capable of External link opens in new tab or windowdisinfecting COVID-19 is crucial. When acquiring an adequate and safe household disinfectant, you need to follow the instructions on the packaging so you can use the product effectively and safely. You also need to maintain adequate precautions like wearing gloves, and also make sure that the property is well ventilated before and during the use of the product.

In order to make sure you are using the disinfectant safely and effectively, you should do the following:

  • Ventilate the property adequately.

  • Wear skin protection and eye protection in case of splash hazards.

  • Avoid mixing any chemical products due to the reactions they may cause.

  • Use water at room temperature for the purposes of dilution.

  • Keep chemicals out of the reach of pets and children.

Considerations for Asthmatics and Individuals With Breathing Problems

Using disinfectant should be taken seriously. It is a hazardous chemical. And you need to make special considerations for those that have breathing difficulties, such as asthma. You need to reduce the potential for triggers. You can do this by implementing the following:

  • Ensure the individual is away from the cleaning area, or if you are disinfecting the entire property, the individual should not be present.

  • Avoid overuse of products where possible.

  • Ensure adequate ventilation at all times.

  • Follow the instructions.

Using Household Bleach

It is possible to use diluted household bleach solutions, as long as it is appropriate for the intended surface. Be sure to comply with the following guidelines:

  • Follow the instructions on the product, and make sure that the item remains in contact with the surface for at least 60 seconds.

  • Ensure the product is not past its expiration date.

  • Only use bleach with a sodium hypochlorite level between 5.25% and 8.25%. If the percentage is not in this range or is not stated, do not use it.

  • Do not mix household bleach with any other cleanser, such as ammonia, as this can create dangerous fumes.

Preparing a Bleach Solution

Using common household bleach can be effective. Ensure that you use one of the following mixtures:

  • One-third of a cup or 5 tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water at room temperature.

  • Alternatively, you can use 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water (at room temperature).

Once you have prepared a bleach solution, this will be effective for up to 24-hours. It is also possible to use alcohol solutions. However, you need to ensure that it contains at least 70% alcohol.

Also ensure that, throughout the process, you maintain proper hygiene. Cleaning your hands often, especially after using the restroom, blowing your nose, after removing gloves, as well as after contact with animals, pets, or individuals who need assistance, is crucial to minimize the spread of COVID-19.