Process of Cleaning Up Bodily Fluids

There might be a time for every home or business where you could come across bodily fluids and vomit. In some cases, it is best to call in professionals to clean it up, this is because it can be done safely as there are a lot of precautions that you need to follow, but if you need to take on the task, then there are many factors to keep in mind.

If cleaning up bodily fluids is not completed correctly, it can be hazardous for everyone around the area and the person who is cleaning it. There is a lengthy procedure, but it will give you the reassurance that the site is safe and the remains are appropriately cleared.


Before you start the cleanup, there are several things you need to do. After washing your hands and arms, apply some thick disposable gloves before touching anything in the area. When you are cleaning the spill, it can be likely that it can splash, so you must wear goggles and protect your body to avoid anything getting onto your skin or clothing items. For regular eyeglasses wearers, it is unsafe due to the space around the glass that the bodily fluids could still flash into your eyes, so it is best to wear goggles over the top or instead of. It is better to be safe than sorry.


When it comes to the disposing of the bodily fluid, it can sometimes be forgotten to dispose of the cleaning supplies such as paper towels, gloves, and other equipment that has been in contact with the fluid. This can make it very dangerous to others around you. It is best to line two garbage bags together and immediately put the cleaning supplies and protective clothing straight into the bag and tie it. If you need to, it can be a good idea to change your gloves regularly and dispose of them throughout this procedure to keep everything safe.


The External link opens in new tab or windowBodily Fluid Clean Up can be completed with a paper towel, which will soak up most of the spill. If there is any blood or bodily fluid in the area, a disinfectant can not work to its full potential. Rather than cloth towels, which may infect your washing machine and the other spaces in your home or business, paper towels are a preferred item as they can be disposed of straight away unless you are planning to dispose of the cloth towels straight after. Scrub the area with hot soapy water, then with a one to ten ratio of bleach solution. Open all the surrounding windows and doors to ensure the site is well ventilated. After ten minutes, wipe the areas with paper towels and tap water. Do not forget to change your gloves before cleaning the surrounding area and opening any doors or windows to avoid contaminating them.

Lastly, dispose of your protective equipment and scrub your hands and body thoroughly or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Scrub your nails too to ensure that the dirt isn’t hiding underneath too.