How to Clean Up Tear Gas Residue

Tear gas removal can be a complex and dangerous task. It’s vital that it’s carried out by trained professionals in biohazard cleaning. Tear gas is not only designed to cause an unpleasant reaction in humans, it’s also a mess to clear up. A site can remain contaminated if not cleaned properly.

Our team of experts has experience in a variety of situations relating to biohazard cleaning. We use the latest in equipment and techniques to remove harmful substances from buildings and structures, including tear gas, and offer a range of services in External link opens in new tab or windowbiohazard cleaning in Bloomington, IL. 

What Is Tear Gas and Why Is It Used?

Tear gas is a chemical weapon often deployed by law enforcement officers in order to disable certain individuals and diffuse potentially dangerous situations. It mainly causes intense eye and respiratory pain which is incapacitating. Because of its effects, it needs to be properly removed by biohazard cleaning experts.

If tear gas powder or residue is not completely removed from where it was deployed, the contaminants linger. This is obviously a big problem for property and businesses. Thankfully, biohazard cleaning methods can be used to get rid of any remaining tear gas once and for all.

How Do Biohazard Cleaning Professionals Clean Up Tear Gas?

Firstly, a biohazard cleaning company will send experts to take an assessment of the area. They will need to determine the amount and type of tear gas used followed by how much residue is present. They will also check for dyes in the tear gas, and other biohazardous materials. It’s also necessary to ensure no further damage has been made to the building.

Tear gas can also get into the HVAC system which if left unattended can cause long-term health problems. For safety, the HVAC system is switched off as standard during a cleanup and all cleaners must wear protective clothing including biohazard suits and masks.

The cleaning process is very thorough and occurs room by room, sealing off each room at a time. All porous material needs to be disposed of as unfortunately, tear gas contamination can’t be completely removed from this. This includes carpets and upholstery and even punctured drywall. Non-porous material can be cleaned along with any other surfaces.

Specialized vacuums are used to remove tear gas residue and surfaces are sprayed with a special cleaning product designed to remove tear gas and then be wiped down. This process is repeated and can take a while until you are sure there is no more residue. The HVAC system will also need to be cleaned. It’s a complicated process and needs to be carried out by experts.

A biohazard cleaning company is capable and certified to clean up tear gas. If you’re looking for External link opens in new tab or windowbiohazard cleaning in Bloomington, IL for your property or business, get in touch today.