Dos and Don'ts When Finding a Dead Animal on Your Property

Are you the unfortunate recipient of an animal carcass on your lawn? It can be quite a worrying thing to see when you wake up in the morning! All you know is that something crazy happened last night while you were asleep and that you want that poor thing gone. So, what do you need to do? Should you pick the animal up? Most definitely not! Here is what you should and shouldn’t do…


Stay away from it, and don’t let your kids go near it.

You should stay away from the animal, and make sure your children do not approach it either. You never know what sort of germs and viruses a dead animal could be harboring, and so going near the animal and touching it could be extremely damaging and result in health issues, so please don’t do it. While it can be intriguing, especially for children, to get up close and look at the animal, you should not do this. Even if you don’t touch it, stay away.

Call a professional that can remove it.

The most important thing to do is get in touch with a professional who can get rid of the animal for you. Experts who provide External link opens in new tab or windowdead wild animal, clean up will be able to get rid of the animal in a safe and effective manner. They will have received all of the correct training and they will have the right tools and equipment that is needed to extract the animal in a safe and effective manner. It’s not simply a case of picking up the animal and throwing it away. If only it was that easy!


Don’t touch it, there can be bacteria and diseases growing on/in it.

We may have said it already, but it is incredibly important: you should never touch the dead animal. It does not matter what sort of animal it is, staying away is of huge importance. There can be diseases and bacteria growing on the animal, and this can be incredibly detrimental to human health. It is not worth the risk, especially when there are professionals who are trained in this and know exactly what to do to extract the animal safely.

Don’t try and remove it yourself.

The final thing that you should not do is attempt to move the animal yourself. Some people think that all they need to do is put on some gloves and put the animal into the bin. It is not as easy or simple as that. Germs can easily be transmitted. In some cases, you don’t need to make skin-to-skin contact with the animal in order to end up getting ill because of the germs and bacteria. Sometimes simply getting close to the dead animal is enough to cause damage, so you most certainly should not try to get rid of it yourself.

To conclude, having a dead animal in your garden can be a scary experience. However, if you take note of the does and don’ts we have mentioned above, you can ensure it is removed properly.